Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Nothing Much To Say

Not much to say today.

I decided not to register Lauren with the modelling agency.

I was talking to a friend who was telling me that she registered her daughter with the same agency last year and what they don't tell you is that once you've paid your $550 to register them they slap you with a $300 portfolio cost.

Of course you can't get any work without a portfolio so once you've paid the $550 you have no choice but to pay the additional $300 for the portfolio. So it's all a bit too costly for my liking.

Ashleigh's last tooth fell out yesterday. She was very excited. It's been dangling for about 2 weeks so it's about time it fell out!

This time the tooth fairy didn't forget to come. She has been a bit forgetful the last couple of times Ash has left a tooth out. Ash was devastated the last time she left a tooth out - she woke up in the morning with the tooth still sitting on her side table. I told her that the tooth fairy must have been REALLY busy and didn't get time to come to our house. Luckily she remembered it the next night! What a slack tooth fairy!!!

I will leave you with my favourite video at the moment. It makes me smile everytime I watch it.

Bye for now!

1 comment:

glo.riah said...

one would thing the hefty reg fee would *include* the $300 portfolio costs!!
::shakes head::

chiggers are little bugs like fleas, except they're thinner and longer and brownish... they swarm and try to get under your skin. make you itch like a crack head jonesing for a fix.
i'm getting itchy just thinking about it!! lol

when you coming to visit??