Monday, October 29, 2007

Mission Complete.

Well, just like the title says, we managed to clean out the garage on the weekend. And I'm not just talking about a small clean up I'm talking MASSIVE clean up!

You can actually walk into the garage and find things now! I packed about 3 boxes of stuff - and Aaron said you can't really pack anything that's in the garage!! HUH! I showed him! I think he just expected to chuck everything into the back of a truck in bits and pieces - over my dead body!! I like order and organisation!

So we still don't know what house we're going to move into yet. We've got one that we can move into next week but we're still waiting to hear back about a property we REALLY want just around the corner. So fingers crossed we'll find out today.

Man, how hot is it today? I started ironing and the sweat was almost dripping off me (not a pretty picture - sorry everyone!). We've got the air on now because Lauren's in bed asleep and she doesn't sleep very well in the heat. Thank goodness for air conditioning that's all I can say.

Not much else going on at the moment. We're just plodding on - packing up one box at a time! So until next time, happy living everyone!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Okay, so I've been a bit slack lately. I haven't blogged all week and I can honestly say that I have nothing much to report on.

I've been absolutely flat out the past week packing up the house and preparing for our big move! It's going to be sad to say goodbye to our neighbours. We've made some good friends over the years and we're going to miss saying hello to them every day. But that's the way life goes really isn't it!?

Aaron is finally back home after a week away on the Gold Coast. He actually had half a day off today which was nice.

Tomorrow is unknown at the moment but if you asked me what I'd like to do (being the practical Taurus that I am) I'd say let's clean out the garage and pack up all the "junk" and chuck out whatever Aaron will let me chuck out! But I'm sure Aaron will have other plans. We'll see - fingers crossed he'll see the value in cleaning out the garage!!!

Unfortunately, I'm finding it a bit difficult to get into the "Christmas Spirit". I'm usually starting to get excited about Christmas around this time but I have so much else on my mind that I haven't had time to get excited about it.

Don't you hate it when you go up to the shops for a specific item and when you get home you realise it's the ONE thing you forgot to get??!! Well I did it again today. It's about the third time I've done it in my life but there is NOTHING more frustrating than that! So, the cat's going to have to starve for another day 'cos I forgot the darned cat food! Thank goodness for tinned sandwich tuna for those "desperate" times!

Anyway, that's it for now chicks. Hope you all have a great weekend - I know I plan to!!!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Is It Next Week Yet?

Man I am so glad this week is coming to an end. I have had one of the worst weeks I've had in a long time.

Here are some of the reasons why:

Trying to toilet train Lauren. I washed and dried all the bed sheets on Monday this week and just after I made our bed with new clean sheets Lauren climbs up with no nappy and wees all over the bed. Do you have any idea how hard it is to change the sheets on a King size bed? I was not happy.

Then 15 minutes later she spilt all of her cereal, all over the floors that I had just finished mopping and vacuuming and all over a new outfit I bought her!!! Can you believe it?!

We missed out on a rental property I would have liked to have gotten because somebody else said that they'd pay 12 months in advance!!

The kids have been fighting all week and driving me nuts.

We didn't get to go to the Motor Show because Aaron was working the entire week. I was REALLY looking forward to going too!

One thing seemed to go wrong after another this week so I'm so glad it's coming to an end!

Next week will be better - fingers crossed!

We've got such a busy few weeks ahead of us. We will probably be moving on the 6th of November into a house in Rouse Hill. A couple of days ago our Real Estate agent rang us to tell us she had a house for rent just around the corner. We went and had a look at it and although it's nowhere near as nice as the house we're in now we'll still make it a home! So we're not taking the townhouse in Baulkham Hills now.

I've got my next door neighbour's 40th Birthday Party tonight and I have NO IDEA what I'm going to get her! Maybe a Salt City Candle???!! Who knows.

Anyway, here's to a better week this week than last!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

We Found a House!!!

Yes, that's right, we found a house!! It's not in an ideal location but we're just so happy to have another house to go to! It's in Baulkham Hills so it's not too far away from where we are now!

We have 10 boxes already packed - let me re-phrase that - I have already packed 10 boxes! Not bad if you ask me! Only about 30 more to go!

School's back and I'm lovin life! It's great not having to clean up after the girls 5 times a day!

Not much else going on. Just thought I'd share the good news! Thanks to everybody who looked out and reported rental houses to us along the way!

Take care everyone!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Sorry for the delay....

Wow, so much to say - where do I start?

I'll start with the most recent and exciting news!

Ashleigh got her ears pierced yesterday!!

She is so excited! On Tuesday she saw her BFF get her ears pierced and wanted to get hers done at the same time but I knew that Aaron didn't want her to get her ears pierced until she was AT LEAST 12 so I had to say no. Then yesterday we were at the shops and Ashleigh told Aaron that she saw Monique get her ears pierced and out of the blue he turned to her and asked "Would you like to get your ears pierced?" With a HUGE smile on her face and eyes lit up she said "YEAH". So he said "OK, let's get them done because you've been such a good girl these holidays!"

I seriously thought she'd cry or at least scream but she just flinched and that was it! She was so brave! She has been bouncing around the house ever since!

On Tuesday we said goodbye to Aunty Mandy (or Bandy Mandy in Lauren speak) and Richard. It was very sad - Ashleigh didn't stop crying for ages after they left and kept asking why they had to go home.

We really enjoyed seeing them again. It's a shame we didn't get to spend more time with them as Aaron was working the entire time! Aunty Mandy even had the pleasure of changing one of Lauren's poo poo nappies! Lucky thing! We are counting down the days until we see everyone in January!

School holidays have flown by! I can't believe we're in October already! I walked through the shops the other day and it's full of Christmas decorations! What the heck?! Where has the year gone?

I just love the weeks and months leading up to Christmas. It's my all-time favourite time of the year! The days start getting warmer and the days start getting longer. I love it!

Anyway, have a great week ya'll!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

We had a busy LONG weekend this weekend!

We had the family over on Sunday night. Ashleigh stole the camera and took some photos of the kids:

She even took the trouble to get somebody to take her photo with Lauren. It's actually quite a nice photo!

How hot was it today? It reached 30 degrees! Tomorrow it's going to be 34 degrees! Luckily Ash is going to a friend's house tomorrow and she has a pool!

We're going out to dinner tomorrow night for Belinda's birthday! It's her big 3-0!!

Anyway, I'd better go and clean the kitchen. Bye for now everyone!