Thursday, February 21, 2008

Model In The Making?

I took Lauren to Bambini Models today. They loved her. She hammed it up for them - she smiled when they asked her to smile, put her hand on her hip when they asked her to and spun around in a circle when they asked her to. She was just brilliant.

I was asked to take in a photo of her and below is the one I took in. They loved it! Apparently they don't have very many girls on their books with curly hair like this. They said it would be a huge feature for her.

Only problem is ...... it costs $550 to register her with their agency!

Hmmmmm, I told them I needed a week to think about it.

Not much else going on at the moment. I'm off to a Gift Fair tomorrow in Darling Harbour with a friend. Should be good - I'm looking forward to it.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

glo.riah said...


it's a pretty steep reg fee tho.
which way are you leaning??