Saturday, June 02, 2007

Control Freak!

Why do I find it so hard to let my kids make their own decisions sometimes? Another one of my flaws I guess.

Ashleigh went to a Build a Bear birthday party today and I really wanted to stay with her to make sure she chose a good bear - not a daggy one! How shocking is that? Yet despite my strong desire to stay I thought "No, you have to let her decide for herself - she will chose what she likes."

You should see the bear she chose! Absolutely hideous!! Maybe I should have stayed after all. But the main thing is she LOVES it!

I do this a lot and I have to pull myself back and remember that I need to let her do things her own way. She makes her bed in the morning and I go in there and well let's just say it's not the way I would do it. Despite wanting to go and do it all over I leave it and praise her for the good job she's done. I don't want her growing up thinking that what she does in life isn't good enough for me - I don't want to be one of those mothers.

Anyway, it's the weekend and Aaron's not working today - YIPEE!! Have a great weekend!!

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