Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Holidays Have Begun!

Well today's the first day of school holidays - actually, they started yesterday for us because Ashleigh had the day off. Her teacher (Miss Short) wasn't going to be at school because her father died unexpectedly so I figured it wasn't worth sending her. I probably would have sent her but she was begging me to stay home so I caved!

Aaron's gone paintballing today with some friends in Wollongong so we're having a girls day today! We're going to do some scrapbooking, painting and having a picnic out the back.

The girls are watching their favourite tv shows at the moment so I thought I'd take advantage of the peace and quiet and blog! ...... well that'd didn't last long, Ashleigh has just informed me that Lauren has done a poo! Lucky me!

I'll blog again soon! See ya!

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