Sunday, July 19, 2009

Kamakaze Fish

Ashleigh woke up this morning to find that her goldfish had decided to jump out of the pond during the night and was dead on the bark next to the pot.

She was devastated. She couldn't figure out why her fish died but Lauren's hadn't.

I told our next door neighbour about it and she told us to just colour in another picture and take it in to get another free fish. I thought it was a great idea but I wasn't sure if they'd recognise us from getting a fish the day before but she volunteered to take the girls in to get another one each - she figured they wouldn't remember the girls but they may remember me. So she took them up and came back with two new free goldfish! Ashleigh was so happy - easy come, easy go!

Lauren decided to call her new fish Fella. So now we have Edward, Bella and Fella! So there you go!

We also got some more duck weed and a terracotta pot for the fish to hide in rather than that ugly brick we had in there before. It's looking really nice now!

Message for Glo - all I did to waterproof the pot was get some sealant from the local hardware shop and painted the inside with a couple of coats of clear sealant and then it was ready for the fish! Easy!

1 comment:

glo.riah said...

i am
doing this