Sorry I haven't blogged for a while.
Been busy doing nothing really.
Our neighbours moved out last week.
So A. no longer has a play mate next door.
She's managed to survive .... so far.
Lauren gets a lot more playing time with her now - which is good .... and bad.
More arguments. But that's what having a sibling is all about - right?
It's hubby's b'day tomorrow. The big 3-5.
We don't have anything special planned.
He's not big on birthdays.
I STILL don't know what to get him.
Better get my finger out!
I need to get Ash some new shoes for school.
Probably do that today.
Lauren needs her 4 year old immunisations done.
She's 5 next month! Oops.
I've just sold a stack of clothes on eBay so I need to post them off sometime today.
That's about it.
Like I said, busy doing nothing.
I can't believe school holidays are nearly over.
Time flies!!