I can't believe it's June already! What happened to May? This year is just flying by!
I've been busy this week trying to organise Ashleigh's birthday. I've booked her in to go
horse riding with her cousins on Monday and she CAN'T WAIT!! I just hope the weather
holds out. It's done nothing but rain here the last week so I hope it clears up for Monday.
If it doesn't then we will have to take her to the movies to see Narnia instead.
At least I have a back up plan!
We went to Wollongong on the weekend for a baby blessing. It's always great to go down to
Wollongong. It's so pretty down there. I should have taken my camera with me but I really
hate my camera - every second photo is out of focus and since it's been dropped a couple of times
it hasn't been the same. I am dying to get a new one. I'll have to start saving my pennies!!
Ashleigh had a play at her friend's house after school yesterday and when they dropped her
back home she turned to the mother and said "Thank you for having me Mrs Arraiza".
You could have knocked me over with a feather!! I tell her all the time to say thank you for
having me but I always have to prompt her to say it and this time she said it on her own. I was
so proud of her! Maybe I'm not such a bad mother after all.
She's growing up so fast. I look at her in amazement - it feels like only yesterday she was a
baby in my arms.
I must confess, I did a bad thing this morning .....
This morning Lauren screamed out
"stop kicking me Ashleigh". So I turned to Ashleigh and
asked her if she'd kicked Lauren.
"Ashleigh, did you kick Lauren?"
"Are you sure you didn't kick her?"
"I'm sure"
So then I said "You know, Heavenly Father knows if you're lying and all I have to do is pray to him and ask him if you're telling me the truth".
With that she confsessed that she had kicked Lauren and that she was sorry.
Now I'm not sure if should have abused her innocence like that but I have to tell ya
It Worked!
At least she has faith that there is a God and that he answers prayers.